



Our local Gemlik olives, which are grown in the fertile lands of Çukurova, are brined using only water and salt and do not contain any additives. They are carefully cultivated in abcoFARM orchards with "Good Agricultural Practices" by means of high-end digital agriculture stations in a safe and traceable manner. Our local Gemlik olives are shiny black in color and stand out as they are large and fleshy. It adds flavor to your breakfasts, the most important meal of Turkish cuisine, and all other meals with its special taste and smell.

Top Benefits of Consuming Olives

·  Olives are rich in components called polyphenols that act as effective antioxidants. These components are known to be effective in reducing the risk of certain diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer.

·  One of the polyphenols in olives is called oleocanthal. This ingredient acts as a natural anti-inflammatory.

·  Although high in fat, the majority of its fat comes from a beneficial monounsaturated variety called oleic acid. Oleic acid regulates cholesterol level, lowers blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of heart disease.

·  Olives are one of the popular fermented foods, providing intestinal microbiota with beneficial bacteria and enzymes, which improves the health of your intestine and digestive system and boosts your immunity.

·  It protects eye health with vitamin A it contains.

·  Thanks to its vitamins and minerals, olives can support bone development in children and reduce the risk of osteoporosis in the elderly.

·  It protects hair and skin health.

·  Being a good source of iron, olives support the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen to the tissues.